First offer – No Cost – Free 1-2 Months Trial ($399 /M AFTER FREE TRIAL IF YOU LIKE IT – meaning if it is starting to make you money)
A) More NP because of our “Mr. Google Review Program” (for some dentists this is literally 100% more new patients)
B) Lots of existing old (inert) patients coming back for more service because of our “Starter Recall Program” which is linked and included with our Mr. Google Review Program
C) A small extra plus — make treatment plan acceptance just a bit more easy – not perfect – just better because of already improved reputation!
(TX plan acceptance WILL IMPROVE even a lot MORE with our #3 ) “Un-Advertising Program” – I will talk about it later)
It’s the best-kept secret that Mr. Google loves reviews
And also Mr Google LOVES responses to those reviews from the business — as this is not only good content but shows that your practice is alive and trending, and that the owners are involved!!
In short, Mr. Google’s job is to serve the best fitting – most informative – most updated website to the person searching, and Mr. Google takes his job very seriously!!
Do you think it’s wise to argue, question or criticize Mr. Google??
You lose – you lose how much money with every patient if Mr. Google does NOT choose to show YOU on top of every Google search ???
And worst – imagine how much money you are losing because you could not reinvest the money you lost from not getting all the new patients you should be getting?
Look – I am sure that your current dental software has a review system built in, but —- are you utilizing it to the fullest?
Who in your practice even KNOWS or has unconditional time/willingness to operate your current system correctly – never mind to create the emotional story-telling messages which is needed to bring in patients?
A fully DONE-FOR-YOU system — 100% automated and/or serviced by Flasch International – is the simplest (perhaps the only way) key to solve this big money-losing problem!!
Emotional storytelling is a 5000-year-old proven way to get anything done – and despite all the new technologies, storytelling is just as important now as it was 5000 years ago – probably even more unique, more differentiating, more effective than then, because the large majority of business owners (including consultants) only pay attention to Hi Tech and forget this 5000-year-old but most important ingredient !!
Huuge mistake !!!
Yes – doing things – and doing it right is just as important in marketing as in dentistry!!
If your last review was more than 14 days ago – and if you did not have several reviews in those 14 days – you start fading in Mr. Google’s memory, and he shows your competition instead of you!
Try the NP Recall/Review Accelerator Program Totally FREE for 1-2 months (pay only when you make money)
Click here and Enroll for Free Strategic session to discuss before you purchase the program
$ 399/M for Done for You by Flasch International
AND YES – we (me HELMUT FLASCH) do have a vested interest in giving such an incredible offer:
Most of you will love our free program and buy the $399 a month
“NP Accelerator Program”
because you see that you will get more patients.
Or maybe even upgrade to the below 2) Totally Dominate the First Page of Mr. Google Without Ads Program
This SECOND offer is only available after the first offer worked for you
A No Cost – free 1-2 Months Trial ($799/M AFTER FREE TRIAL IF YOU LIKE IT – meaning if it made you money)
1. Total domination – not just showing well on top – but dominating the first page on Mr. Google
The importance of DOMINATING THE FIRST PAGE cannot be overstated – even if you are already showing on top
Quite a bit of work goes into dominating the first page on google without spending money on advertising – but we have done this 20 years ago and for NO GOOD REASON stopped providing this service – only to lately find out that we were 20 years ahead of the game and the stuff still works like a bomb – maybe better – yet most consultant/marketing agencies have still NOT caught on the the simplicity of it – so we are reinstating something we should never have stopped – with a free trial – only pay if and when it has proven to work for you!
Again – total domination – not just showing well on top – but dominating the first page on Mr. Google.
It simply spells earning money!!
Click here and Enroll for Free Strategic session to discuss before you purchase the program
$799/M for Done for You by Flasch International
And then – then – then when you see our first two free trial programs bringing new patients – new money, then you MIGHT want to start with an upgrade to our full-fledged 35-years-old and proven third and final program in our lineup: Package 3 !
This Third offer is only available after the Second offer worked for you
A No Cost – free 1-2 Months Trial ($899/M AFTER FREE TRIAL IF YOU LIKE IT – meaning if it made you money)
The jolly good fellow program (social events which don’t take your time and make the people in your community including you in their daily conversations without having been your patient yet.)
A) It is included in the “Un–Advertising Program” and which in turn can NOT be done without the “NP Recall/Review Accelerator Program” and the “Totally Dominate Mr. Google without Ads Program”)
B) It is for doctors who think that passive and recession-proof income which can be earned while being anywhere in the world and can create the means for you to do the things you cherish.
Is it wrong to assume that having passive and recession-proof income is not really such a bad thing and is worth exploring?
One of the absolute most important part of any business owner who engages in a second income source is that it MUST MUST MUST be scalable .
Easy duplicatable is the most important key do financial success!!
Not happiness – even though earning money without spending time can give you the opportunity to do the things you cherish and make you happy – wrong ?
You might be having realized that up-scaling a dental practice
Would I be very wrong to say that not having extra free time and extra free money is inhibiting quite a few pleasures – no matter how much you DO like dentistry?
Click here and Enroll for Free Strategic session to discuss before you purchase the program
$ 899/M for Done for You by Flasch International
A dentist in Mumbai met Mr Flasch and have asked him if he could grow his practice beyond that of a solo practitioner. Mr Flasch answered with a resounding “Yes, of course!” and showed him how. Now, this dentist has two offices, with 30 doctors working for him.
But that is not the best yet. He also has enough time to pursue his hobby – film-making. He has produced a movie for which he has won an award because the movie has lasted 52 weeks in the box office, shown in theaters across the country!
“Instead of you tooting your own horn (advertising), get other people to toot the horn for you (un-advertising.)”
Helmut is also a bestselling author. His works consist of:
copyright 1995 – 2023 – Flasch International